Friday, April 9, 2010

Sleeper Trains to Run Daytime Routes in France

Sleeper trains to run in daytime
April 01, 2010

THE SNCF is planning to run its sleeper trains during the day from next month - so that passengers can have a comfortable nap while travelling.

The French rail operator's new service, called Téoz Eco, will run for a six-month trial period from May 21 on the line from Paris to Toulouse via Limoges, Brive and Cahors.

The trains will operate from Friday to Monday, offering a choice of either a 45° reclinable seat or a bed in a cabin of four. Single tickets will range from €15 to €30.

The journey will take slightly longer than an ordinary Corail trip on the same route - seven hours - as the train's speed is limited to 160kph instead of 200kph.

The SNCF hopes the new budget service will boost long-distance passenger numbers and make more efficient use of trains that would otherwise spend the whole day in sidings.

If successful, it will be extended to other long-distance routes, such as Paris to Hendaye in the Pyrenees.


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